import re import aiohttp from fastapi import FastAPI, Response from fastapi.responses import FileResponse import main import texgen app = FastAPI() utaten_pattern = re.compile(r'[a-z0-9]+') tex_generator = texgen.TexGenerator('pdf_cache', 'temp', 20) class TexSourceGenerationError(Exception): pass async def _get_utaten_tex_source(item_id: str) -> str: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as ses: async with ses.get(f'{item_id}/') as r: if not r.ok: raise TexSourceGenerationError('HTTP request failed when reading page source') html = await r.text() return main.html_to_tex(html) @app.get("/utaten/{item_id}.pdf") async def get_utaten_lyric_pdf(item_id: str): try: print('_get_utaten_tex_source') tex = await _get_utaten_tex_source(item_id) print('xelatex') pdf_path = await tex_generator.xelatex(tex) return FileResponse(pdf_path, media_type='application/pdf') except texgen.TexGenerationError as e: return Response(content=f'Failed to generate tex file: {e}', status_code=502) @app.get("/utaten/{item_id}.tex") async def get_utaten_lyric_tex(item_id: str): try: tex = await _get_utaten_tex_source(item_id) return Response(content=tex, media_type='application/x-tex') except TexSourceGenerationError as e: return Response(content=str(e), status_code=503)