use std::io; use std::net::{SocketAddr, ToSocketAddrs}; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, SystemTimeError}; use clap::{arg, Parser}; use tokio::net::UdpSocket; use tracing::{debug, error}; use crate::Destination::{Address, SockAddr}; const TTL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(300); /// Simple program to greet a person #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { /// The address and port to listen and accept cleartext UDP datagrams from #[arg(short, long)] bind: String, /// The local endpoint to read cleartext datagrams from & write to #[arg(short, long)] local: String, /// The destination to send obfuscated UDP datagrams to #[arg(short, long)] sendto: Option, /// The hex representation of XOR key to use #[arg(short, long)] key: String, } #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] enum Destination<'a> { None, Address(&'a String), SockAddr(SocketAddr), } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let args = Args::parse(); let key = hex::decode(args.key) .expect("failed to decode key hex string"); let sock = UdpSocket::bind(&args.bind).await .expect("failed to bind UDP endpoint"); let mut buf = [0; 65536]; let local = args.local.parse().expect("failed to parse local address"); let mut sendto = Destination::None; let args_sendto: String; if let Some(s) = args.sendto { args_sendto = s; sendto = Address(&args_sendto); } let mut addr_sendto: Option = None; let mut addr_sendto_t = SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH; loop { match sock.recv_from(&mut buf).await { Ok((len, addr)) => { debug!("recv_from OK, len {}, addr {}", len, addr); let mut i = 0; let n = key.len(); for j in 0..len { buf[j] ^= key[i]; i += 1; if i == n { i = 0; } } if sendto == Destination::None && addr != local { // assume the packet is coming from target // update missing sendto parameter sendto = SockAddr(addr); } let sendto = match sendto { Destination::None => Destination::None, Address(addr) => { let now = SystemTime::now(); if now.duration_since(addr_sendto_t) .or::(Ok(Duration::from_secs(0))).unwrap() > TTL { // update debug!("resolving address: {}", &addr); match resolve_addr(&addr) { Ok(addr) => { addr_sendto = Some(addr); addr_sendto_t = SystemTime::now(); SockAddr(addr) } Err(why) => { error!("failed to resolve address {}: {}", addr, why); Destination::None } } } else { // cache is still valid match addr_sendto { None => Destination::None, Some(addr) => SockAddr(addr), } } } SockAddr(addr) => SockAddr(addr), }; let target = match sendto { Destination::None => None, Address(_) => panic!("unresolved address"), SockAddr(sendto_addr) => { if addr == sendto_addr { // remote -> local Some(local) } else { Some(sendto_addr) } } }; match target { None => { error!("cannot send_to: destination not determined"); continue; } Some(target) => { if let Err(why) = sock.send_to(&buf[..len], target).await { debug!("send_to failed, dest: {}, error: {}", target, why); } else { debug!("send_to OK, len: {}, dest: {}", len, target); } } } } Err(why) => { debug!("recv_from failed: {}", why); } } } } fn resolve_addr(addr: &String) -> io::Result { match addr.to_socket_addrs() { Ok(mut addrs) => match { None => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "no available address")), Some(addr) => Ok(addr), }, Err(why) => Err(why), } }