AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-02-25Copy psmb protocol definition from pypsmbKeuin
2022-02-07Hot reload.Keuin
2022-02-06README: English proofreading.Keuin
2022-02-05README: localize i18n readme list.Keuin
2022-02-05README: update description.Keuin
2022-02-05README: add order number.Keuin add English (US) translation.Keuin
2022-02-04Remove Gson from dependencies.Keuin
2022-02-04Add psmb support.Keuin
2021-12-17Use the latest Velocity API.Keuin
Implement API server for online players and server status. Implement core message routing abstraction and concrete BungeeCross, Velocity, Telegram endpoint impl. Load config from config file "crosslink/config.json". Test core components. Proxy API related stuff are not tested. Add README in English and Chinese. TODO: Add config hot reloading. More configurable system. PSMB endpoint impl.
2021-12-13Initial version. Supports both Velocity and BungeeCord.Keuin