package com.keuin.kbackupfabric.worker; import com.keuin.kbackupfabric.metadata.BackupMetadata; import com.keuin.kbackupfabric.util.PrintUtil; import com.keuin.kbackupfabric.util.ZipUtil; import com.keuin.kbackupfabric.util.ZipUtilException; import com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.server.command.ServerCommandSource; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import static com.keuin.kbackupfabric.util.BackupFilesystemUtil.*; import static com.keuin.kbackupfabric.util.PrintUtil.msgInfo; /** * The backup worker * To invoke this worker, simply call invoke() method. */ public final class BackupWorker implements Runnable { //private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(); private final CommandContext context; private final String backupName; private final Map oldWorldsSavingDisabled; private final BackupMetadata backupMetadata; private final long startTime; private BackupWorker(CommandContext context, String backupName, Map oldWorldsSavingDisabled, BackupMetadata backupMetadata, long startTime) { this.context = context; this.backupName = backupName; this.oldWorldsSavingDisabled = oldWorldsSavingDisabled; this.backupMetadata = backupMetadata; this.startTime = startTime; } public static void invoke(CommandContext context, String backupName, BackupMetadata backupMetadata) { //// Save world, save old autosave configs PrintUtil.broadcast(String.format("Making backup %s, please wait ...", backupName)); Map oldWorldsSavingDisabled = new HashMap<>(); // old switch stat // Get server MinecraftServer server = context.getSource().getMinecraftServer(); // Save old autosave switch stat temporally server.getWorlds().forEach(world -> { oldWorldsSavingDisabled.put(world, world.savingDisabled); world.savingDisabled = true; }); // Force to save all player data and worlds PrintUtil.msgInfo(context, "Saving players ..."); server.getPlayerManager().saveAllPlayerData(); PrintUtil.msgInfo(context, "Saving worlds ...");, true, true); // Start threaded worker BackupWorker worker = new BackupWorker(context, backupName, oldWorldsSavingDisabled, backupMetadata, System.currentTimeMillis()); Thread workerThread = new Thread(worker, "BackupWorker"); workerThread.start(); } @Override public void run() { String backupSaveDirectory = ""; MinecraftServer server = context.getSource().getMinecraftServer(); try { //// Do our main backup logic // Create backup saving directory File backupSaveDirectoryFile = getBackupSaveDirectory(server); backupSaveDirectory = backupSaveDirectoryFile.getName(); if (!backupSaveDirectoryFile.isDirectory() && !backupSaveDirectoryFile.mkdir()) { msgInfo(context, String.format("Failed to create backup saving directory: %s. Failed to backup.", backupSaveDirectory)); return; } // Make zip String levelPath = getLevelPath(server); String backupFileName = getBackupFileName(backupName);"zip(srcPath=%s, destPath=%s)", levelPath, backupSaveDirectoryFile.toString()));"Compressing level ..."); ZipUtil.makeBackupZip(levelPath, backupSaveDirectoryFile.toString(), backupFileName, backupMetadata); File backupZipFile = new File(backupSaveDirectoryFile, backupFileName); // Restore old autosave switch stat server.getWorlds().forEach(world -> world.savingDisabled = oldWorldsSavingDisabled.getOrDefault(world, true)); // Print finish message: time elapsed and file size long timeElapsedMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; String msgText = String.format("Backup finished. Time elapsed: %.2fs.", timeElapsedMillis / 1000.0); try { msgText += String.format(" File size: %s.", humanFileSize(backupZipFile.length())); } catch (SecurityException ignored) { } PrintUtil.msgInfo(context, msgText, true); } catch (SecurityException e) { msgInfo(context, String.format("Failed to create backup saving directory: %s. Failed to backup.", backupSaveDirectory)); } catch (IOException | ZipUtilException e) { msgInfo(context, "Failed to make zip: " + e.getMessage()); } } }