path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-01-26Update the description of incremental backup's index fileKeuin
2021-01-20Add Chinese in README and fix some grammar mistakeKeuin
2021-01-20Update README.mdKeuin
2021-01-20Update README fileKeuin
2021-01-14Update command for incremental backupKeuin
2021-01-13Clean old incremental backup codes.Keuin
2020-07-25Merge branch 'master' of
2020-05-08Add examples for auto restart scripts.Keuin
2020-05-08Add example scripts for auto restartingKeuin
2020-05-08Added script-based auto reboot support (after restoring).Keuin
2020-04-24Version 1.3.1-dev (BugFix)1.3.1-devKeuin
2020-04-24Added hint at the "/kb" output in the first run after restoring from a backup.1.3.0-devKeuin
2020-04-24Refactored pending task using OCP design pattern.Keuin
2020-04-24Added /kb delete <backup_name> for deleting an backup (with auto-complete sup...Keuin
2020-04-24Added /kb delete <backup_name> for deleting an backup (with auto-complete sup...Keuin
2020-04-23Update README.mdKeuin
2020-04-23Added backup name completion.Keuin
2020-04-23Refactored code.Keuin
2020-04-23Update To-Do ListKeuin
2020-04-23Version 1.1.0-dev:1.1.0-devKeuin
2020-04-23Version 1.0.1-pre:Keuin
2020-04-23Update README.mdKeuin
2020-04-23Update README.mdKeuin
2020-04-23Correct LICENSE and README.mdKeuin
2020-04-23Update README.mdmodmuss50
2020-04-23update to 0.0.13asie
2020-04-23first commitAdrian Siekierka
2020-04-23Initial commitKeuin